Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Bike and More Work Issues (long)

Derek and I spent a good 3 hours biking yesterday. It was awesome. I feel like I am in pain now but it is a great pain. I had a really good time and we got to see MUCH of DC. I am going to attempt a map.

We started at mile marker 11.5. We followed these 2 guys who seemed to know the trail pretty well.

Following the greenline through Fall Church:

We followed the trail through Arlington County and apparently another Fairfax county.

into arlington county:

At this point we kinda got lost. But we ended up near the Arlington Cemetary. We crossed the Arlington Memorial bridge to the Lincoln Memorial. Then it got really interesting. We went through George Washinton University and Georgetown on the streets. It was so cool. We were riding fast with little or no regard to our safety. Or at least thats how I felt. I wasn't scured though. We just went and it was fun as hell.

We crossed the francis Scott Key bridge and followed Custis all the way back to the starting point. Well almost to the starting point. I broke my chain about 2 miles from the end. I walked about 1.5 miles barefoot to Park Ave(first map) and Derek picked me up there. It sucked but I still had a kick ass time. Id say we did a good 35 miles by the time we were through. I don't know how to read my computer readout so I can't be more specific at this time. Needless to say it was a kick ass time. Now I need a new chain.

So we had this meeting today to discuss what could be done with my code. We went through some good stuff and Jamie Kunze wanted to get together to get us past the hump I am in. So we met up and pretty much found out that neither of us know the system well enough to do anything of any value. So we hacked around for a minute and found so many contradictions that it didn't make any sense.

I have a question for DEREK and and any other SE's out there who read this (I don't think there are any).
Here it is: Do you develop in the same place that you test? For instance, we do all of our code development on machine X. Then if we want to Unit test...UNIT TEST, we must move EVERYTHING over to a different machine which has the ENTIRE PRODUCT (Unit Test mind you). Then we run from there. That seems really pointless. I would like to build then run. I don't see why we need to do this. Anyway, this was one of the problems I have been having at work. Nobody clearly stated this to me. So I wasted too much time!

So now I am wasting the rest of the day sitting in from of my machine because everyone is on vacation. I can't get in touch with anyone on my team. Except Kathy.

Basically, I wish I had a good understanding of where Lockheed is going to take me. So I can at least aim towards a goal. Rather than float basically aimlessly. Oh yeah, and I also hate working on code that WILL be dead in a few months. I hate it.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Hawaii: The precursor

I mentioned in my last post that I was considering moving down to Hawaii for a temporary excursion. I mentioned that a part time job would be good. However, I did some research and found some jobs that are not part time. There are some open reqs at Lockheed Martin on the Big Island. I think I would rather be in Maui but what can ya do eh? This move could  become a reality if I play my cards right.

Since last week I have seen 50 first dates, Blue Crush and The Big Bounce. I like the Big Bounce because of Sara Foster.
I am trying to see all of the shows/movies that deal with Hawaii so I can be jealous of myself and I can have some motivation for waking up in the morning because...

...Work *edit*:
I just am totally bored with this stuff. No...I am bored that I can't get at the good stuff. It is becoming increasingly annoying that it is difficult talk to any of my team members on a regular basis because I am far away. *edit* (use Wes, Derek, and Cory as models for work). *edit* (I like the company, I just am not convinced that I want to work on a CMMI 5).

Easily Bored:
It has been the theme of my life that I am easily bored. Ever since elementary school I have had problems not paying attention or just losing interest in things.

This relates to this post because I am finding that I am bored with *edit* (many things in my life). Not so much life, as I can't really enjoy getting out because of the project and lack of funds. But I am bored with a job I really haven't even started with. That is odd to me. Anyway, it makes me wonder if I would grow really bored of Hawaii if I moved out there. Why not, I grow bored of everything else!

If I bought a seadoo, Could I drive it out to Hawaii? Or do I need to ship it? Wouldn't that be a fun trip?

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The next big thing

Day and Date: Thu, 4/28/2005
Depart: BALTIMORE MD, 6:10AM
Equipment: 737-800

Day and Date: Thu, 4/28/2005
Arrive: HONOLULU HNL, 12:45PM

Day and Date: Sat, 5/7/2005
Depart: HONOLULU HNL, 9:15PM

Day and Date: Sun, 5/8/2005
Arrive: BALTIMORE MD, 2:59PM

God I wish this was a one way!
The good news is. So far ALL of this is only going to cost me $200. Thanks to my friend Matt Pounds. How sweet is that?

I am seriously considering taking a year or 2 off in about a year or 2. How cool would that be? I could keep *edit*(my status). Heck I might even find some work out there. All I need is $80 a month for Student loans and enough for food and rent. I think I can do this! But then again...I always have crazy ideas!

Friday, March 18, 2005

New Bike and stuff

Last Thursday:
Woah. Mario and Stephen Long and I went out Thursday. I was the designated driver. I didn't have a problem with this because I wanted to save some cash. So we pregamed a 1 at Mario's and then went to get my ticket at work then we went down the GW Parkway (which is nice) and got to Lucky Bar at like 9. Illed there for a bit and had some Rum and Cokes. Then we went to 1223. We were on the guestlist so we didn't have to pay the exorbinant cover. It was pretty dead so we started drinking some more. Next thing I know, I am buying champagne and my card now had $200+ dollars on it. Some responsible DD huh? What a mistake. So Stephen had to take us home. Mario ralphed in the back of the car and I got out somewhere on 66 and lost my lunch. Next day, I got to work at 3PM cuz I left my car in DC (and got a ticket). Holy irresponsibility. I watched the scrubs episode with Colin Farrel last night and now I don't care about what happened. I can embrace it now. Mario however is not drinking for awhile.

Jesse and Bob:
Jesse and Bob visited last week. It was a great time. They showed up on Saturday and we went out to eat and had a great time. Then we played some PS2 which was tight. They made me really like that MX Unleashed game. It kicked arse.

We went to DC Sunday and walked the Mall again. It was pretty cool. I had a good time there. I think Jesse was tired. We ate at ESPN zone. It was good.
Bob forgot his Camera. I need to charge mine.

Jesse of course brought my bike. That was tight. I haven't had a chance to ride on it yet. I think I got a rediculously good deal on it though. The accessories alone would cost about $300. That is what me and a few colleagues think. I paid $600 for the whole package so that means I got a sick bike for $300. Thank god for friends. This bike is in mint condition too. Its a pretty good deal. There are still those little rubber flappy things on the tires. Thats how new it is. Sweet.

Alex is visiting:
Alex is visiting this weekend. He should be here in about 2-3 hours I would say. I wish he was getting here a little later cuz I wanted to ride my bike. It is almost 60 out so I am thinking of bailing out of here in a few to get in a few miles on my bike. I gotta get a battery and fix the tirecap first though. Anyway, ALex and I should have a pretty good time I'd say. He wants to go to DC.

Corned Beef/St Patty's Day:
Kathy and I made some Corned beef for our semi-weekly dinner party. It turned out FABULOUS. It tasted so good and  everyone loved it. I like that group of people. Sounds like Azelle is leaving soon so that kinda sucks. She is a good kid. Good thing she is married. ;)

I think that is it for now.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

New Technology is cool - My life isn't

I really like Everyone should sign up. Its a good thing. I can listen to my own mp3's without being home or setting up a stream server. Good times. It gives me another reason to find new ways to use RSS stuff on my webpage.

Work is *edit*(work). I still don't like having to wait for people to get back to me. I don't mind the work I am doing, I just don't like waiting.

Project is coming along. I would almost say that I am almost done with ECC. That is HUGE news. Next its just XTR. If that only takes 2 weeks then we are in FABULOUS shape.

I really don't have much to report on. 24 Rules.

Oh I know...Kathy and I went Rollerblading yesterday cuz it was about 70 degrees here. Today it was about 58 or so when I went to work. By the time I got to my office it was a blizzard outside. I have NEVER seen weather change that fast before it was crazy. I hate snowy weather.

Thursday, March 03, 2005


Today a co-worker (Don Brock) sent me a link to his MythTV (Knoppmyth) site and I was thrilled. I have been looking into this all day. When I get home I am gonna turn one of my boxes into a Tivo. I can't freaking wait. This is gonna be fabulous. Anyone would be excited aobut this if they saw this guys inteface. Its hot.

Estimated cost:
$100 for 200GB drive (50hrs)
$190 for Hauppauge PCI Video Recorder WinTV PVR 350
I think that should be about it. I am sure there will be some misc costs but this isn't a proposal ass.

People who doubt me:
I get mad at people who always doubted the time I put into school. They were like "WTF? Nobody needs to put in that much time to anything.". Needless to say that without exception I make more money and am happier than they. I say this because their lives are riddled with unemployment. In no situation does that lead to happiness. I don't see unemployment in my future(famous last words). It just made me so mad. So for future reference, if I devote my whole life to something and I do so for years with massive progress, please, don't doubt me.

Mario is done waiting. I hate waiting. I wouldn't mind as much if I didn't have anything to do, but I have stuff, so when I need help I can't get any because I am so far away from anyone. Dumb.

Maryland People:
I don't like how everyone here won the "property" lottery. It makes me mad. I sortof assumed that you had to work hard and stuff to acheive financial security. This is not true. Slick investments can be a highly thought out process or they can be a result of dumb luck, as is the case with most from this area. I don't feel like many of these people deserve the successes that they have. I say this because some of them spend so retardedly. Like getting TV stations that you don't know or care how to get to. Land lines that cost $50+ when everyone you know knows your cell phone number and you have no intention to use that land line. Dumb. And expensive for me.

People in Maryalnd drive like they are the only ones there. So many times I have been cut off for no reason. Someone changes into my lane (all the way on the right) fast with no blinker for no reason. Then they drive about 1mph for a bit. Then they maybe cut back to the other side of the road and turn left. Dumbass. Or sometimes they will just slam on their brakes and go really slow. Or stay in the right lane with the option to turn at a red light but they want to go straight. This is a big problem in Maryland given the light length. Inconsiderate Dumbasses.

Went to the wizards game last night. It was tight. They won. I got to see Yao from Houston. We had a good time. I was pretty drunk on a work night. I liked. Its a pretty decent thing to go to a game on a weekday. Not too late night. Metro was breazy and it was sweet.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

High School buddies

So I have been in touch with a High School friend of mine Alan Cona. He seems to be doing alright. I got in touch with him because I saw his name on the Alumni page. His little profile thing was basically a giant slap in the face for a list of several of the people who represent everything I hated about my earlier years. So our conversations went well with him and it sounds a lot like he and another friend may come down to visit. That would be awesome.

So anyway, I figured it would be a good idea to contact another guy I went to HighSchool with. This time, I think I will try someone who was a bit more borderline. I won't say names but I approached him by starting a conversation that falls within his lifestyle and his interests. His reply was a bit less than heartwarming. He basically said I wasn't educated. Or at least that is what my twisted mind got out of it. So this just further confirms that I hate so many of the people in Webster. Man they suck.

In related news. Aimee Maggio has a gallery like mine. I think some of her pictures came out a bit better than mine. Apparently she is attractive. When I told Bob about it he said "Dude, I beat up her brother". As if to imply that his actions are a way into a long term relationship. I laughed.

Anyway, I don't think I will get in touch with many more HS wipes.