Tuesday, December 21, 2004


This is gonna be a long one.

For about 2 months now I have been planning for Kathy's Birthday/Xmas/Birthday('05)/Xmas('05)/Birthday('06)/Xmas('06) present. I kept it from her and told pretty much everyone I come into daily contact with. The gift was a weekend trip to the Bahamas. The flight was direct through AirTran and the Resort was cheap cuz it was opening weekend.

The presentation:
I made Kathy this scavenger hunt. It consisted of:
 a note in a bag on her front door
1. a note in a bag on her front door, leading to...
2. an internet clue game ()leading to...
3. a letter in her coat leading to...
4. a phone call to an unknown place and a request for a "k2 fatty" leading to...
5. her boots leading to a new e-mail account with a clue to the...
6. freezer, leading her upstairs to...
7. a book with an envelope. In the envelope was a piece of paper which said "We leave tomorrow", a second page which was our reservations and plane tickets on the third page.

Basically I am an F'ing Casenova.

It took her about 25 minutes to figure out that "heel" meant for a dog to follow. This was one of the clues and took probably the most time. Reading the reservation also took longer than expected. From what she said, I think she just couldn't believe what it was. She had been wanting (and bugging me) to go on a trip since before Alyssa and I split. We were going to go after graduation but Dougie Fresh ended up getting married and his bachelor party was in good ol' Vegas. So her and I never went.

So I teased her for about 2 months telling her it was gonna be the best thing ever blah blah blah. She said she never in a million years would have guessed what I got her. So thats a good thing. One of the best parts was watching her squirm knowing that the end was paradise...literally.

Anyway, she packed that night and we ate at Red Hot and Blue and went to bed...Stoked

The Trip:
We woke up at like 8 and got our stuff all in the car then it was off to Bal-Teasy's finest airport. We got a couple pictures from before hand.

Once we got there we noticed that some of the stuff on the island was a bit bootleg from the Hurricanes that pounded the island. We didn't mind. We were in the Bahamas.

The resort itself was great except for a few things:
1. The roof of the dining area wasn't totally done so there was hammering occasionally.
2. The extemities of the restort were not finished. So the manmade lake and some of the rooms were still not populated.
3. It was colder than expected (60's).

The Staff members of the place ruled. I wanted to be them. All they need to do is play volleyball and dance and drink and play bingo and windsurf. Damn what a sweet ass job that would have been.

I wondered if it would be possible for me to pay off my loans then just do that for awhile. Why would you ever stop doing that? It was so amazing. They had ZERO stress. It would NEVER CHANGE EITHER. It looked like a lot of fun. Reminded me of Dirty Dancing starring Patrick Swayze.

Kathy and I went windsurfing, kayaking, snorkeling by the reef on the ocean, swimming, dancing (Salsa, Merengue, and at the Disco), long walks on the beach to find Conch's and Stingrays, took a bike ride to the Sheraton and Port Lucaya. By the way Kathy is AMAZING at Merengue. I have a video of it. She was great. We had an underwater Camera for the water sports but we haven't developed them yet. Soon.

Long story short. The trip ruled, we are sad that it is over. It was awesome to see Kathy's reaction when she found out what I got her. That really made it worth it. That and going to the Bahamas made it worth it.

I REALLY want to be a staff member at one of these places. It was really cool. I would almost say ideal.

A picture or 2 or 3


Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Gavin Degraw Concert

I saw Gavin Degraw yesterday thanks to Kathy. It was at The 9:30 Club which is a pretty good place. Of course Gavin was great. It was a bit pricey considering all of his stuff comes from 1 album. But it was a good show.

One thing that bothered me was the people smoking. There were like these 3-4 people near us who were smoking it sucked. I thought this one girl (loser) was going to burn me or Kathy. I would have knocked her out. That would have been so inconsiderate.

Anyway...Great show.

Side note. Kathy and I are wearing the same thing today.  Maroon Shirt with Dark grey nice pants from Express. That sucks.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Latest update

Kathy's Birthday (11/21):
Good times, her sister came in. We went to IKEA. Kathy will get her present on December 18th. I can't wait. Its gonna rule.

Thanksgiving was good. (Cousin)Rob came home. That is a really good thing. He seems to be doing MUCH better. The turkey was excellent. The food was great and the company was great. Overall a good time.

Flies out faster than it comes in. I thought I made good money. What I find is that with gas and rent and savings. Money goes OUT faster than it comes in. This is a bit upsetting considering I was in a somewhat similar situation financially last year. I have been working (for real) longer than I was a co-op, I make more money, yet, my credit card bills get higher and higher. That sucks.

Movin' Out:
Not an overly impressive show. It is based on Billy Joel's Music. The idea is that they play his music and they put a story to it. Sounds cool. The music was great but the Dissonance between the music the clothing and the dancing is enough to drive you crazy. It was REALLY good ballet put to Rock and Roll.

The best part about it. The girl who played Brenda from the Brenda and Eddie pair had the most solid stomach you would ever want to see on a girl who is 6'5" tall. It should be noted that her legs were about 80% of her body also. She was hot. A daim.

It is difficult because I look at the show and I think, "Ok this is different, there is good music, they are reaching over the boundaries of art so it is good, but I am so under-entertained that it hurts." I think to myself: "If this were a $40 I would be dissapointed. Too bad it was $80.

Disco Party:
Went to the worlds largest disco party. That ruled. I will have pictures soon. Rodericj.com is down so I got nothing there. But it was loads of fun.

New TV:
I got a new TV. It is a 27 Flat Tube. Its pretty tight. I got it at Black Friday. $180 after rebates. HOT. Fits perfectly into the Armoire.

Racquetball/Overall fitness:
I am getting my ass handed to me in RBall. The guys in the C league are WAY better than I expected. Oh well. Its aight. I am getting more and more in shape. This is a good thing. My arms are getting bigger and my stomach (should be ) getting smaller. Way to eat right too. Lots of veggies,not a lot of breads and pastas. Hot.

Crash Nitro Kart:
I got a new game with the best buy tickets from McDonalds and my CreditCard company. Its a fun game. I dig it. I got it last friday after work. Took forever to get to and out of the bestbuy on the rockville pike.

Went to Baltimore Dollar Days. Everything was a dollar. I got to see Henry Williams (Cadets, Coats, RX, Tarheel Sun). It was cool. Hung out with Sean Lawler (Coats). It was really cool to see them. We went on the USS Constellation in the port. That was cool. Sean and I helped shoot a Cannon.

Speeding Ticket:
I have to go to NY for a speeding ticket. That is bullshit. It is 5 hours away. Damn.