Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Visitors and DrumCorps


Alan Cona visited this weekend.  I haven't seen him since probably freshman year of college. So like 6 or 7 years ago. Anyway it was cool. He was mostly the same. But I have a new found respect for his brutal honesty. He has done some pretty wild things. Sounds like he has had a full life. He is a pretty smart dude also. I am sure he will be fine. Some things worry me though. Like what he brought to my place. <wink wink>  Anyway, we played racquetball because it was raining. We also ate out at a few places and it was good.

Wes also visited. But not so much me. He has a friend in Columbia. So Wes, Vin, Bonnie, Marissa, Derek, Kathy and I went out to Cheesecake Factory on Friday night. We then met up with them on Saturday night too. That was fun.

Saturday Alan and Kathy and Azelle and Amanda and I all went to Tyson's Corner and shoped for hours. Alan and I just caught up. It was cool. The girls did their thing.

We went to Olive garden for the worst service EVER!

Work and Drumcorp(?):
Thats right. They get the same category.

So I was sitting in work *edit* and I started searching the internet for camp videos and I came accross Dev's Feb camp or something. Man I started missing it so much I almost flippin' cried. Anyway, Mario suggests it is because it represents a part of my life where I was rediculously productive and now I am *slower*. I think he is right. I was sad.

So I get a call today from Matt Lusky and he says that he has a spot during movins where he is going to need some help teaching the X-men Bassline. At first I was a little hesitant, but then I thought about it. That would be perfect. Its like 2-3 days that would get me the fix I really need. I could go there and hang with some drummer boys and get some REDICULOUS teaching on my resume. I could also come home and work the rest of the week and manage to not take ANY vacation time. This could be good.

I really feel like I have some things I could really show them that Lusky may not know about. I am really excited about this now. I really hope this happens. It would pretty much make my day.

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