Wednesday, April 06, 2005

"This Afternoon" (dumb post)

Kathy and I were Talking.

Campbell, Roderic says: when are we leaving.
Law, Kathy says: this afternoon
Law, Kathy says: don't know what time
Campbell, Roderic says: "this afternoon" sounds weierd
Campbell, Roderic says: its like "next door"
Campbell, Roderic says: I don't get it
Law, Kathy says: as opposed to next afternoon
Law, Kathy says: what's your problem?
Campbell, Roderic says: afternoon is a state not a noun
Campbell, Roderic says: its like saying, "When will you go to sleep" "This tired"
Law, Kathy says: afternoon is a time not a state
Campbell, Roderic says: "When are we leaving" "This 1PM" I hate that.
Law, Kathy says:you wouldn't just say "when are we leaving" "afternoon"
Campbell, Roderic says: but you should
Law, Kathy says: no
Campbell, Roderic says: Because it is not a noun

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