Monday, July 17, 2006

ical and todo lists

My old working pal Karthik told me about this site Remember The Milk back when I was working in Herndon and I've been hooked on it ever since. It is a TODO list built on an AJAX style front end. I totally dig it. I think I dig the whole AJAX feel more than the actual functionality.

That's not entirely true. I find that I am pretty much bound to TODO lists. As soon as I couldn't bring my PDA into work I became less productive. When I was in school I ALWAYS had a todo list on my PDA and I was happy because I was always getting things done. Anyway, RTM is a great little TODO app. You can use the ical feed in a whole bunch of different mac products and google products for an overload of reminders. I'm pretty pleased with that. I'd recommend that everyone try using it for a few weeks to see if you can boost productivity at all.

As for ical, I'm starting to get a little more into that on my mac. I've been using Google Calendar for quite some time and the integration to ical using ical was pretty seamless. So that is fun. I feel like I am getting more productive as a result of that.

I'm trying to get more into my mac and use some of the features that are unique to that type of machine. The automator thing seems like a good thing, but then again, it also just feels like a script front end. Oh well.

The athletic tracker is fun to play with. I'm working on putting a better run selection thing on it. I was throwing around the idea of using google calendar as a storage facility for runs but that will be a pain I think. of my lists on RTM is "things to do when drumcorps is over". So yeah, that should explain how that is going. :(

I start taking the metro to work everyday starting tomorrow. That will give me tons of time to watch movies and or read books and stuff. That'll be fun. I'm excited about that.

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