Monday, October 17, 2005

White water rafting and base jumping

Ahhh so this weekend was the chap white water event. It was pretty tight. I had never white water rafted before so this was a new thing for me. I enjoyed it. The rapids were anywhere from Class 3 to Class 5 rapids. It was great. There was a picture taken of Kathy that was probably the best picture I have ever seen of her. It was probably the biggest smile I have ever seen of her. I bet I will regret not buying it.

 So bonus round.
 Turns out that it was Bridge Day at the New River in West Virginia. Yeah that is the one day a year when it is legal to Base Jump off of the New River Bridge. How rad is that? It got me thinking of ways to get into Sky Diving as a hobby. I would love that.

 It was just really cool to see that the ENTIRE bridge was lined with spectators. There were cops there and food vendors and all kinds of stuff. I guess you need 50 Solo Skydives among other things.  Anyway, we saw some people go like half way down before pulling the chute. Mark said: "I want to go up to that guy and ask him if it is hard to do that with 500lb balls". It was funny. We all laughed.

 There were also repellers going down the entire height of the bridge. Dude that must have been Bad ass too.

 Anyway, so later in the night we were telling ghost stories. Only they weren't ghost stories. They were movie plot lines. Some of the memorable ones were Face Off,  and Back to the Future. Some others were Friday the 13th and Joel's adventures in World of Warcraft. All in all, it was pretty funny.

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