just happened to go past a demo of a wii. I really had no interest in buying it
at all. Anyway, something clicked and I had to have one. So we went out Sunday
and got one. I figured we had a $160 BestBuy card, might as well use it.
It's pretty fun. I actually found that when I got to work monday my shoulder was
hurting a bit. The wii sports are hella fun. You get to play with your mii
character and make them look like you. Its just funny because there is a tall
Rod with a perma-5-o'clock-shadow, a little asian kathy and and very short asian
Sen. Its funny.
The story about how we got it was mildly interesting. We both went to different
bestbuy's. They handed out tickets before we got there. We went to Gamestops as
they all told me they's have em at 11. So I got there at like 10 till 11 and
there were like 23 people standing in line. They had made a list. Blah blah I
was 27 out of 21 systems so I'm not getting one. Anyway, we got inside (i
figured i still had a chance) and this choad came in and cut in line. He wasn't
on the list but he snuck in. When people realized this it got heated. The cops
got called. He was a choad. The cops came and took him away under the threat of
Anyway, then I went to EB games in the mall and there was no line. Kathy beat me
there and was in line when I got there. She was like 2 in line. She asked for
one. She got it. End of story.

In action.
So we got Zelda and thw Wii sports. Still haven't used the gift card, so I think wii are gonna get Ultimate Alliance and Rayman Raving Rabbids. Awesome.
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