Only 3 more Bushwacker shows for me. I kinda can't wait till that ends. Although, I am surprisingly learning A TON about how different people work. It's actually sort of exciting. Not exciting enough to be valuable, but definitely something to reflect on.
So I rode my bike home
from work(approximate map) 2 times this week. That was sweet. I've been sitting here watching my bike at work but the weather was too hot to take a trail I've never done. I'll post the gps data when I get around to it. I'm stoked about that. It was a great ride. The way I see it, I'm essentially combining the commute and my ride time. So in the time it takes me to do a 1.5 hour ride AND get home, I've done a 2.5 hour ride. Plus there is no downtime like when I get home for changing into bike stuff and all that. Its a pretty good system. I'd like to do morning and evening but that is a whole new set of challenges. Plus, 70 miles in 2 straight days on a bike makes me feel like I just got out of prison. I'm not up to 60 a day like some people
I bought a ticket to Iceland yesterday. That's fun. So Kathy and I will be flying to Iceland on Friday Oct 13 (scary date). We'll hang there for awhile. I guess hiking is big there. So that, and whatever else you can do there. I'm stoked to get some gps run data from other countries.
So anyway, then we head to London a few days later to hang with Kathy's rents on her Mom's Bday. That'll rule. Check out Big Ben and traffic circles and what not. Then its off to France and Spain for some (very) short backpacking/hostel living. So I'm stoked. Hopefully I can run at least 1 time in each country we visit. Then I'll have maps from cool places. That'll be fun.
I've been using my Ipod like woah. Apparently I can have it at work as long as I don't have the cables. So that rules. I'm beginning to like that thing. I got some accessories for it. I got a Car Charger and an FM Transmitter. I got the charger but not the transmitter. I guess I"m stoked about never having to have cd's in my car ever again. But I guess that is the whole point of these things. SON!
Speed reading
One other thing. I went to a Bday happy hour and was talking to some dude from TSS. He was talking about books he read. He listed off a few recent ones. I was like "So what you have like a summer reading quota". He was like, "Nah, I did that all this weekend". I was like "
So I'm stoked. I'll do my drills on the metro in the morning. I'll be a superhero before long.
I think that is all.
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