Got to go home. It was my first time back since I moved. I guess it will always be my first time back so that adjective was pointless. So was that sentence. So was the first sentence if it read "It was my time back since I moved".
Anyway. Saw my 2 sisters which was cool. Saw my parents which ruled. Saw both sets of Grandparents and it ruled. My gramma got a Sport 2002(I think) Camry LE with a spoiler. It is red. Like her passion for speed.
Dave put in a patio for us. That rules. There is a fountain and rocks and its really really nice.
The fam was great. It was so nice to see all of them. I wish everyone wasn't so busy though.
I saw Alyssa and Cory. That ruled. We went to play laser tag then we went to a bar called the Thirsty Turtle. It was cool. Then we went to Wegmans and drove the electric cars around in the store. I was laughing so hard till the loser stock boy yelled at me and made sure I had 3 id's to buy the beer. How lame. Get a life. I wasn't hurting anyone.
Anyway, we all had fun. The trip ruled.
Monday Kathy gave me a haircut. I was a bit nervous about it but I was told that I wasn't going to be able to find a haircut place for less than $20. That sucks!
I think it came out good. I wouldn't normally rush into a risky thing such as a girl cutting my hair like that but I had to get my license. See below.
Got my license:
I got my Maryland license today.
Doing real work RIGHT NOW:
As I am writing this I am doing real work. Ryan and I are fixing some stuff up from the Formal Inspection we had today. I thought that was fun. And by fun I mean boring. Formal inspections are normally boring but I didn't hate it. I like learning about our processes and our system. Its fun.
So Ryan had me working on some threading stuff. There is this thing that is like a deconstructor in java but its different. No details needed here. That would be lame.
Now I am doing Javadocs.
Then it is off to IKEA to get new shelves.
Then maybe I will grab a beer with Luis Calderon from Good guy.
I hate long posts also!!
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