Rules...I had such a good time that it hurts. I wish I could post all of the stories here but I feel like that is not the best idea.
I lost prolly $250 or so in gambling. Not too bad. Ran into some great people down there. The LIMO driver was AWESOME. I fell in love with Silicon. Its been a month since I have been there(so it seems). I learned how to play "Let it ride". Worth it. I almost won $380 at Roulette(almost...ha). Drank constantly. Prolly put back like 25 LITs.
p.s. When I got back, my "lump sum" was waiting in the front door. ROCK.
Once Kaminsky and I FINALLY got together, things ruled. I got quite a bit done in my last week in Rochester. Got through Division, montgomery multiplication and most of montgomery exponentiation. ROCK. Too bad I am gone now.
Of course I moved to Maryland since my last post. We decided to go with a moving truck that Dave Remington was able to get through work. It cost like $200 less than uhaul.
The drive down was longer than usual. Took like 7 hours. Maybe its cuz I got a speeding ticket and we stopped quite a few times for the truck.
Christie and Dave's reactions to my place were priceless.
Since the move:
Rick and I have talked a few times and he is just a really cool guy. I don't see Curt all that much but he is really friendly so far. They are both really nice. I think I am doing OK with the cleaning thing. I clean up after myself thats cool. I think it is much easier when you start off clean. Thats why I am trying to keep the room nice.
Justin(dog) is pretty cool. He has a real cool personality. Or at least he did until I kicked him in the dark last night. Oops.
Kathy said I was doing something in my sleep. She said it was gross. Gross.
My dad overnighted my paperwork to me. That put him back like $20. Now I gotta send a check. Daim.
My internet doesn't really work. The house is wired but I can't figure out how to activate. That is pissing me off. server. No Daim. That hurts. Also. I feel like I fucked up Ricks computer. Dame
The stores are SICK ASS CLOSE TO ME!!!! Its like a 1 minute walk to a tight ass plaza. I gotta get stamps.
I am sure there is something else of really high importance that I wanted to post. I don't remember.
Oh well it will come to me.
I hope I don't suck at work.
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