Bladed real early with Bob. Tried to get a head start on the day. Ended up getting a real late start. Did some things. Went to Dino wiht my mom. Now I will be in the Democrat and Chronicle tomorrow. Keep your eyes peeled. I got interviewed. You know the link is going in the next submission. Picture and all.
Tomorrow I work on the paper?!?!? Maybe I will just be up real late doing it. Then maybe sleep in so I can not waste the morning like I always do. Gotta cut the lawn. F Efff
Krispy Me nuts
and it was good.
Cory got an apartment. That was cool. Had a good time. He has dry itchy liver.
Peter was fabulous. I wish I could see him more often. He is a real straight shooter and he is real funny.
Rome sucks though.
Poker kicks my ass. I played a bit with the boys(JC, Bob, Jesse, Ben).
It ruled. I figured out a lot that night and won all the money. It was a real hot deal. Learned alot.
Went to Lola. Saw our friend Kristina or whatever. She was the girl with the hood thing. Georgeous and real artsy. She was cool then. Not thursday. What a bitch she was to us.
Alyssa and Bronykins showed up. They were great. We practiced winking at eachother. Cory said Alyssa and I have our own language. We werent really talking. We were flailing near eachother. It was funny. La la lagin.
Drinks were expensive: Remember this one though. 2 shots of Grey Goose, splash of sprite, 3 limes. Do it.
Donielle mentioned a threesome I think. Crazy.
"One in the mouth one in the back."
-Donielle (woah)
Don't remember.
Tuesday night kicked ass. Went to BWW. Awesome. Had the usual Captain morgan and sweet bbq. Great.
Best lyrics ever:
"You say tomato. I say Toe Mat oe. What the hell."
Almost died laughing.
Then Cory and Her and I went to Lilac Festival park(forget the name). It was great. Chilled at the reservoir, hung out on the bench and enjoyed the view. It ruled.
One random day:
Got the dick of an e-mail from kaminsky. here is the jist of it.
You will not ever graduate cuz you are retarded.
I quote from him (keep in mind that I start work september 13th.
"There is no way you will be able to finish this project and defend it in the
third week of August.
In the first place, a master's project (at least when I am the chair) is not
like a class assignment which you just do on your own and turn in when you
are done. I insist on keeping track of your work and on directing changes in
your work if I'm not satisfied with what you've done. This takes time on my
part to study your work on a regular basis. During the school year I would do
this in a weekly meeting with you. However, my time for this sort of thing is
limited during the summer. This either will slow down your progress or will
put you at risk of needing to do substantial rework when I am able to review
your progress.
Secondly, I am going to be out of town the first three weeks in August, and so
is H-P. Even if you were completely finished with everything in early August
-- which I think is unlikely -- there still needs to be a period of 3-4 weeks
after H-P and I return from vacation for the committee to read your report
and request revisions, for you to make the revisions, and for the defense to
be announced 10 days in advance of the defense date. Furthermore, the fall
quarter is starting up then, and we professors will be distracted with course
And the clincher.
"Your defense is highly unlikely to happen before the end of September or early
Oh yeah. Sounds hot to me.
I am aggravated.
Good news is that I got "Deepest Sender" and its decent. Only problem is I don' tsee how to change my icon.
Found it.
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