PS2:I was looking into getting a PS2 cuz I really like first person shooters. Socom 2 came out and it has a headset so you can talk using VoIP to the other players.
I looked on Ebay and I found people who were selling them used for more than a new one. Totally lame. So I went out to BestBuy and got me a shiny new
thin PS2. It is seriously about the size of a dvd cover. Its pretty decent. Built in network card works like a charm.
So I got it and my sniper fantasy came true via life-like yet not actually living victims.
Headset:The headset is great cuz you can talk to both the AI and the other users. It is TOTALLY SWEET. The AI I assume recognizes inflection and syllables(sp). Its really pretty cool. Cuz they talk back and stuff too. I love it.
You can also play with the guys online too. I can talk to them. They are all nasaly and kinda nerdy. I assume they are total tools. Its funny to hear them talk.
Ranking:So they have this system where you can not play against someone who is a different rank than you. Or at least, there is the option that you can play only people of the same rank. I figure since I have never played that I should be an Ensign(sp)(worst type of player)(bottom 15%). Makes sense. However, these nerds I was playing with made it so that we were all on the same team. So we just killed each other. This is fine but it puts this unreal skew in some kill/death ratio which makes me a lieutenant. That sucks. Now I can not play in the room with ensigns only. So I will just get creamed constantly. Hate it.
The game was fun though. It is really fun to imagine yourself as a SEAL and move in under cover to get these guys. It rules.
Plan:I have a plan with this game. I want to go through each of the levels of the scenario and MASTER them. So I will get like 100% stealth, accuracy, health and all that. This way I will be able to compete with the lieutenant and stuff. Sounds like a stock plan. But I have never executed a plan like this. I guess that is cuz no games have drawn me in like this one. We will see how it goes.
A Daim this game is sweet.