Today, at roughly 8:30AM.
My love, my baby, my friend, my cat, was Euthanized for illnesses related to her liver(we believe).
It is difficult to let go. There were many things that made the whole situation much easier. Knowing that it was coming was both a blessing and a curse. It had been building up for about a week. 7 days ago she was her lively self, chillin' and bein' a cat. Something happened. She became sick and insisted that she lay on a cold surface. She seemed as though she could not get her head to go above resting position for more than an instant. She drank little and ate less.
I was out with some friends last night. I got home late (buzzed) and I saw on the whiteboard the following:
Vet Appt 8:30
I'd seen notes like that before. In fact, exactly the same, time and wording. But this time you could feel that it was different.
What made things worse was that I could not find her ANYWHERE. I went to bed knowing that I may never see her again. I heard my mom at about 6:20 doin stuff downstairs. I woke up and went down to see the can laying next to the fish tank. I looked at my Mom and confirmed my fear. Today was the day.
I stayed close to her for as long as possible, I wanted to pick her up but I knew that doing so was so incredibly uncomfortable to her that it would almost definitely lead to regurgitation. THAT my friends...was difficult to grasp. Knowing that you have such a short time to be with one that means so much to you, and yet, you can not enjoy her the way you want to. Thats not really an emotion I was prepared to feel.
After what may have been the saddest moments I had ever had with her, it was time to move her to the car.
This became the new saddest moment ever. Replacing the last 2 hours which were difficult for me, was the sight of my Mother, who loved this cat so much (was once quoted as saying, "I would like to be 'the cat lady' someday"[paraphrased slightly]), picking up the cat and yearning for one more look at her angel face, only to be distracted by the incredible discomfort portrayed by her irresilient, clearly strained tongue. The cat began to squirm and she vomited all over herself and my Mother. Then she lay lifeless, only the faint motion of her breathing let us know she was still with us.
We were able to move the lifeless body to the transport crate and we didn't need a top to contain her usually enthusiastic(anti-conformist) attitude towards 'the cage'.
The ride to the vet was not long enough.
We got there and the Dr. confirmed her suspicions. of health via the previous day's diagnosis.
We knew what we were about to do was the right thing. It was just hella hard to handle.
The actual procedure consisted of a shaved leg and a seemingly painless shot which took FOREVER!!
Her eyes dilated slightly as the needle was inserted. She looked at each of us (Father, Mother, myself), and we all said our goodbyes(I took care of Meredith's and Christie's who were there in spirit). She looked at us as her eyes dilated ever so slowly to blackness. The Dr. waited with her stethoscope on her chest. The nod was given and we knew the remaining seconds of her life would be peaceful and painless as the signs of life deteriorated from her brain and body.
We said our final goodbye.
And it ended...